Video 65
62. Shanti Gita - Class 62 - chapter 6 - verse 9
[Music] to the real lead us from darkness to light and illumination lead us from death to immortality and even more shine in our hearts with your resplendent face on peace peace peace be unto us all so we are reading santi gita this song of peace and the conversation between arjuna and bhagavan sri krishna so this arjuna last put this question because bhagavan krishna says that what you see in this visible universe it is nothing ashatham it is unreal and it is only a play of the maya that which gives an appearance but really not there and it is happening because of your knowledge lack of knowledge of yourself utmo cannot and because of that you see this anritam this mitta unreal appear to be real and this is to be like a dream you have to break this dream and then you will be able to establish yourself in your own divine self like one gets the knowledge of the rope when that mistake goes away that it is a snake now last this is verse number seven after hearing this response the supreme brahman is beyond all gunas all qualities there is no saftical quality rajasthan thomas quality there it is brahman it is absolute and it has no changes and it has no action it is beyond all action then you are putting the question that this world is created the jagged christie this creation of the world kotong tasman how that is possible bhavati if that there is which is beyond all action that is the truth then where from this system this creation this comes from it's basically fundamentally it is a big question it cannot happen but why it is happening you say maya those are all words but brahman is all the time near gunam you are saying no it is no gunas means beyond all gunas and it is the supreme so this question is that if the supreme brahman is beyond all qualities and it is changeless and beyond all actions then how then this creation of the universe is possible from that absolute truth so it's a question it's a puzzle so therefore please talk badass me please explain me this mystery it's a big question how much we say that is brahman but we see this world as real and if you say that is the ultimate rule in reality is that absolute truth then where from this creation has come now comes a very bold statement of vedanta [Music] this is so sri bhagavan uba bhagavan said sri nasty jagat nasty there is no creation system is creation there is no creation at all sristi nasty and you say the jagat this world yogurt is not not there jagadnasty and you jiva jivanasti it's a ajatabad almost the philosophy of there's nothing neither jiva individual soul neither there is jagat this world neither this creation at all and also if the creation is not there where comes the issue of the god creator god there's no ishara it appears almost a atheistic idea no we don't believe anything there is nothing and they're all false so idle brain thinking about god has created this world and this and that huh the father where is god what is god's creation and from philosophical standpoint also you see we say brahman brahman brahman therefore far from these comes this dichotomy is to be solved so the question is that bhagavan responding no no no this srishti is nasty this creation is not there be established in the truth this jagat this world of fear and frightening frowning or joy and blessings or all these dualities this other this world is not there jibonas any individual soul there is no jiva individual soul and naturally there is no issue god who created this creator is wrong not there so no no if there is no create creation there cannot be any creator creation brings creature but if creator creates something if there is no creation then where is the creator so they say that's why swamiji said vedanta detroits the god the detroit's god god's throne is ousted there is no god vedanta says there is no god only one reality that is sachidan and that you are not this that you are so hang on to that point but you may say you are saying oh i see all this your question was that jagastristi katang tat bhavati hey jerobo i am seeing it you cannot deny that is this he is hard you're making noise sound valid you are all seeing because of the maya maya and how it is illumining it is illumining in the light of brahma the from existence of brahma-saktaya by the satta satya by the existential part of brahman or the illumining part of brahman or the ananda part of brahman sachidananda that's why it is three qualities have been indicated that there is no quality but it has been indicated with these three qualities it is sat it is cheat it is so existence it seems it is there it is the existence of the brahman brahma it is revealing it is manifesting to me it is a revealing consciousness aspect of brahman and it gives joy or it gives pleasure or not displeasure this is because it's the aspect of it less ananda less joy we call suffering more joy there is a expected joy level i am happy i am happy yes you have some expectation you got it below that i worked so hard and nobody praised me so you get but your expectation level had it been low you can go get joy there also so this this our level of expectation is the question so ananda is manifesting everywhere looking at the trees plants the leaves the wild flowers the ocean the sky wherever you go there is some manifestation of beauty and joy so this is all you are mistaking it is not the beauty of the world but it is the beauty of god not god god is dethroned brahman so that is the bold idea about vedanta that there is no god no creator no creation there is no creator no creation then what you are also who is saying that is also wrong that's also a mistake and how how come this is possible it's possible you go to sleep now where was you this universe of reality is so much joyful it is so much painful there's so much frightening so much reaction anything where does it go and this entire sleep also goes then you go to deep sleep this is the only analytical path which can gives a glimpse of that understanding of the truth when you go to deep sleep what happens this world is gone it's reality has no meaning to you can anyone say this world has any reality when you are in deep sleep you do sleep mood you are not there you don't have any perception that there is a world you didn't have any perception that you have a body that time and the dream also when you are dreaming that time you forget this you live in the dream world only and that's also your existence all false but you are seeing something it's your mind is creating all this fantasy and then deep sleep this also drops there's nothing but nothing you feel joy after sleep you come back and why i had a good sleep you get some joy what do you get the joy who supplies you the joy there is no rascal no ice cream no singing no dancing no music but you get joy is there anyone playing a flute or a violin no no one is there and you are also not there you are not aware of it but there is a joy that's why brahmana by brahman consciousness the joy you feel it's little because it is you are going through ignorance if you can go by meditation right move on on and on and on forget the world forget the outsiders forget the mental world of imagination god god's form beauty he's sitting like that eyes are like that right leg bright light forget go go go go go deep and then merge everything and there is a light and light line light out so this is all the brahmana bhashati sarbam sarbang passataya you are giving a name to the world but there is no world it is the brahma-satya the satya desense that is called brahman on that you are creating all this fantasy on that rope you are creating all snake it is rattlesnake it may be poisonous and lake it may be no it may be a water snake you create all these types of names and bomb in your own fantasy but the rope is sitting all the time brahman is all the time there and his mind is creating it is a creation of the mind that says spirituality is to purify the mind this wrong interpretation of mind this idea is to be stopped that's why you say it is not because it is not why because it's my mind creates suppose now in this point someone you are sitting here you don't you are thinking something in india and i am talking you're not here you don't hear all these things what i say this existence man is for you though you are here physically here but where your mind remains there you remain so if that is the truth two you'll have to understand this philosophy the christian nasty in that perspective this creation is mental fantasy whose mental fantasy says it's my mental fantasy it is me i have created the universe like a dream i create ajatabhat theory that they say it is my mind that they identify this my mind with the cosmic mind actually the cosmic mind has a dream your mind my mind you add all together put in a bucket all the minds one drop one drop one drop and all the drops of mind if that you can imagine discipline conceptual thing in that cosmic mind then you can see all these actions and reactions so in the cosmic mind all this dream comes all these actions and reactions come but in individual mind your individual dream comes individual mind creates individual dream suppose we have 10 people living together you know suppose we are we're lying down in night time sleeping and what you see 10 people seeing 10 dreams and these dreams are not interfering my space is not interfering with your space suppose you have you are driving your car and and you see hundred mile stress road no and hundred miles space and you are you are maybe within five feet another person is in his bed he has create in another world the infinite ocean is swimming in the ocean your ocean swimming and my fly does not interfere why is it your mind is creating this my mind is creating this similarly our mind has such tremendous power we don't know by your dream creation you understand how powerful your mind can how much imagination your mind can think about it is [Music] imaginable that your mind is creating yourself your mind is creating the car you are driving your mind is creating the friend you are talking to your mind is creating the ice cream you are eating your mind is creating the table on which you are having your plate and the plate is created by your mind your floor is been created by your mind everything is your mind creation so now if your mind has such power suppose all the mind put together called cosmic mind god's mind that mind has created the sun moon stars galaxies that's why we are all seeing the same song munster in your dream when you create your dream world all the people in the dream they see the same sun created by your mind because you are the master there you have created road all the cars are driving is is there in the in the road as you thought all are moving in that direction so the cosmic mind when he imagines this universe comes but it is also like dream like why dream life as long as you see the dream it exists when you woke up then what happens it's gone then you see it is dream why you don't give so much value like this because every day you come back waking up and see this thing but when you dream and wake up from the dream you don't go back to the same dream because your mind out of infinite sanghaskaras has brought out something up one day next day it brings up something from your own stock of mental impressions that's why every day changing you say oh it is dream because i saw it only yesterday but today i'm not seeing anything but this world is real why because cosmic mind has created as i said in the dream you can think that you started your journey and you became you you drove drove drove and it became late you went to some hotel and then you dressed there and next morning you started in dream you can see all these things similar the cosmic mind whatever he has thought the sun moon stars galaxies infinite number of people you me all are playing that's why it's called the it's called the lord's play going on it is he thinking it is his wish you have no freedom we think that we have some freedom but we are almost helpless there in being a part of the cosmic mind yes yogis do not identify with the body then what happens [Music] that you can take your mind to any other thing from the body you will not feel the pain of the body it happens yogis do yogis can identify in leap the mind to god consciousness ordinary people cannot suppose a child as i give the gross example a child falls down and is really hot in his hand or something and he cries cries cries you know and what the mummies do they bring some toy and play in front of the child in such a way and child looks at the toy and forgets the pain so it is like that see anyone can do scientists are doing they forget their hunger there are many stories of the scientists in research hours passed and food escaped and einstein are woo and the food remains and that because his mind is not here mind is somewhere else and yogis can keep it in god that's a different thing but forgetting the body pain and action nothing for yogis anyone can do that one musician good musician who can really dive deep into the music and the joy of music when he gets into that it's a body ache pain who is there whole days action reaction a good experience bad everything is forgotten that time even people drink what happened they go into another mental mood they forget about their surrounding forget about their physical pain that can be made in so many ways but yogis but what we are talking about this philosophical thing to lift the mind from this duality into the absolute or in god gradually gradually withdraws the mind from here so this is very important verse that there is no creation we cannot say that's why ramakrishna said this book is not to be read by everyone and anyone anyone and everyone gita says those who have body consciousness and they talk i am atman they make a mistake they should be advanced students who understand that i am not the body for them it is more understandable experience is possible otherwise we get into confusion this world is so real and you are saying no creation there is no creation are you mad yes you should be a mad person otherwise i would say this this creation is not there i see you and it is not there yes it is not there because it is not permanent it is not there because you the person i am seeing after half an hour you are not the same person or happened for every split second he was changing becoming older older older older and it becomes visible after some time instant we have no perception how much change you have done within half an hour our class is 20 minutes going on how much change i have changed my physical picture my hair grew more gray how the nails have increased how many cells have died how many cells are regenerated all these changes are going on but you are saying i am the same guy that is the mistake so that's why it is nasty this world is not because every spirit you don't see the same sun which you saw yesterday because it has emitted so much of energy it in the the energy which was there yesterday some has been dissipated so it cannot be permanent that's it is nasty swishy nasty jagat nasty this world as you see the way you see it is not real nasty and jiva as i said individual soul your mind is not the same mind what you carried yesterday before yesterday when you are five years child you have your own another state of mind when you are only teenage boy or girl you have another mind now you are an adult you have some other state of mind you become now 60 years old you have another state of mind you are not 80 years old you have another mental state of mind what mind you are talking about which mind is real to you when your baby crawling and we are happy with the some toys mommy will give and i'll cry and uh like that huh now modern toys are much improved twice we used to you know childhood like some um ted bear or somebody would be dinah for us but it is all the according to change everything is changing but you are saying i am the same guy that's why it is said that this jivo individual is not there and as the individual soul is not there so creator is also not there who have created if there is no creation there is no creator if there is no son or daughter you cannot say i am a mummy so it is creation and creator both are none but you see because of the maya because of this cosmic delusion everything you see so bright so brilliant but masjid how it shines forth because of the brahman self-illumined eternal sachidan on the shelf means that eternal light inside eternal and permanent light which is inside that is the shining a shining object which comes out in the universe wherever you see any beauty it is the beauty of the sachidanan or your divine self or we call simply we call god in dualistic language but we are reading a non-dualist book so it should be brahman the language brahman tenth verse further explanation of this ray [Music] [Music] [Music] giving an example beautiful example yatha means no ripple imagine the ocean no ripple grain strong profound think of that yatta as in that what happens there is nothing but water what is ocean it's calm and serene and grand and profound it is only water jalal maharana in the hay huge ocean because of the samiran sweden means wind because of the flow of the wind over it suddenly wind comes no you see in the ocean ripple starts bc he means the ripples and bichi means also waves it becomes big wave or small a bce but is there anything this ripple wave form it starts because of the flow of the wind is it anything other than the ocean water this way that way this foam that foam are there anything but water ocean water this it is exactly like that it's only one absolute brahman is there unchanging absolute timeless spaceless causeless reality searching on this of the nature of reality existence of the nature of consciousness and of the nature of bliss and joy absolute that is calm syrian all the time but because of the breeze of maya or ignorance no a waves are created on that motion of consciousness you me the star this earth this planets this the house building human personality animals entire world has come out of that but they are not anything but water anything but it is saccidananda but only you are seeing the name and form different that's a big grand verse baba if you meditate it's no no sanskrit then you can enjoy it people do meditate on this type of verses and sit for one time and think the stimital gambhir infinite ocean of calm and serene ocean of bliss and joy nothing is there no ripple no creation no creator it is only the ocean absolute one reality and there is no you know me there is no way of no ripple to distinguish it's only calm and now when that close ripple of wave of water is it is becoming wavy because of the cool bridge going and then that distinction comes diversity comes but any diverse though it appears diverse but are they anything but water drops they're all water drops nothing but h2o you may see its form is violent vigorous and splashing with each other and fighting with each other but is water fighting with water h2o fighting with h2 ocean with the ocean that means one satchel on this plane that's why it is no because we don't have a bigger perspective that's why we get stuck here big picture we have no big picture if you understand the big picture it is a plan big plan the brahman the absolute that is the [Music] in this world in this big world of creation god is playing with himself god in you god in me god in everyone because it is nothing but constituted with h2o no example you go to the wax museum here and you go and see what is there whatever you see it is made of wax some artist film artist actors actresses or you go to watch what is called the last supper table with jesus and the disciples you find here's the table the table is stable it looks like a table but it's made of wax only jesus sitting there looking like this it is only wax nothing but so everything around and everywhere you find it is nothing but wax wax wax and but you see you have a perfect experience that here is the wine here is the bread and how their looks are all different looking at christ and christ is looking at them all this diversity is going on but it is nothing but wax ramakrishna gave this example in his how did he didn't see the wax museum but he has his own example he said like [Music] it is all constituted out of wax wax tree under the wax street as wax table a bench and wax man sitting under the wax apple eating in his hand is all made of wax the road what you see like a road it is wax moment so is to see this everything is constituted in one element and that is satchi ran on the god god particle i cannot say god particle here anyhow you can say that it's a god particle damn god particle that energy particle that conscious nothing no one all word will make a confusion there but this is to understood that there is only one reality so this is the this is the example people can think about how the diversity can stay along with unity we think that unity is there diversity cannot stay diversity can stay with the unity and traditional example as you our scriptures give the one gold the same gold and so many ornaments hundreds of designs of ornaments we get stuck to the ornament but the goldsmith pays attention to the gold he knows everything is gold and how much he enjoys that gold how much he wants to get out of the gold stone so this is because the and also there's a beautiful verse in panchodushi and this verse like what is very gambir means heart gambino grand nominee means deeply serene and calm gravy grave is a little type of sad side but it is grand and stable at the same time very difficult to approach that's why it's complete so the translation goes on that in the tranquil than the tranquil deep and vast waters of great ocean a wave that arises because of the wind is not an object of different from the waters likewise the universe is sin in the absolute consciousness by the illusory force of maya the wave is not separate from the water verily there is no other universe apart from brahman consciousness so this is the point which is connected to the next mars tata [Music] [Music] therefore with the connected with the last verse that an infinite ocean of calmness and serenity in the infinite ocean of water by the cool bridge blowing over it there are many ripples and waves are coming but they are nothing but to solely there is nothing material other than the water in the similar way now tata now eleven verse tata in the similar manner this is the example you in the similar manner in the purdue eternity in that consciousness all pervaded consciousness infinite you see this world jagat by mere the play of maya as there are the ripple coming because of the wind here is the maya is the play maya is creating this this ripple this tarango the tauranga is the wave no jalad vino is not separate entity other than jala or water similarly this chagat you are seeing this world it is nothing but jagat nahi there is no jagat there is no world brahmana other than brahman that means you are misunderstanding brahman as jagat you are a misunderstanding you are seeing wrong thing you are interpreting the wrong thing not seeing you are seeing god we are all seeing god but we are interpreting it because of our mind so mind interprets it as jagat the spiritual people they interpret as god rama krishna used to see god everywhere no boikun to sannel that gentleman ramakrishna touched him on the 1st of january and he starts seeing everywhere that same consciousness consciousness all around everything is pulsating with consciousness he didn't see anything but consciousness so that is the state that's the goal of life so it is exactly in the mature mind in the pure mind pure state of mind it cannot be other than anything but satchida that such cheetah on the truth that brahman absolute absolute consciousness please enjoy that is the reality and this is also same only i am seeing this name and form like the ripple you see wave you see because of the wind blows over the surface here the wind the maya blows over the atman consciousness and it creates so much diversity so there is nothing else but that brahman this is mean term interference the world is interpretation no why two friends husband wife so dear each other fight with each other tell me what is the reason only reason one's mind says this is correct another's mind till and this is correct difference is happening there in the level of mind or viewing i think this is this you think this is this different so in the essential brahman consciousness or essential reality there is no difference but all distinction comes in the interpretation of my mind same incident has happened i'll say you are the culprit you did that you will say no you it is your fault both are seeing the same event reactions are different because a different level a thought party indifferent to that incident he will interpret it differently all in all the interpretation this world is nothing but the mental interpretation one incident one one place we all go there is a uh concert going on and and then thousand people are sitting everyone enjoys the concert in their own level of mind according to their own capacity some enjoys more some gets very absorbed some chit chat chat and come back don't get anything it enters the interest goes away so see it it is the interpretation of the mind therefore mind is the factor which we have to deal with we have to clean our mind we have to rectify our minds way of looking that's why meditation that's a spiritual life that's why talking about the spiritual truth again and again so spirituality is nothing it will not two horns will not grow over the forehead that you are spiritual how i am spiritual do you look at this some growth is happening here no it is again it's the knowledge will develop this interpretation of the mind will be clear and clear and clear and when the mind will be perfectly clear you see that is the vision that you are seeing god in human power that's why swami vivekananda said you can worship god in the temple can you not worship god in a person in the temple god does not speak to you but here is a person god is manifesting here himself in speaking asking some help asking for some support and talking to you can you not see god there this is the new way of thinking try to see god in our relation in our practical life understanding it is nothing but god's play going on in the fullness of this consciousness this world jagat this the world is visible sin due to maya there is nothing other than tarangal jalad vin no no there is no jawala taranga wave other than jala with the water ocean water similarly brahmana jagat nahi there is no jagat there is no world other than brahman you are seeing brahman but you are describing it as world it is your misinterpretation of mind so the yogis the rishis the seers of truth the saints they see god everywhere because of that pure mind so again i read the translation in the tranquil deep and vast waters of a great ocean a wave that arises because of the wind is not an object different from the waters likewise this universe is sin in the absolute consciousness by the illusory force of maya this universe is seen i can see it by the illusory force of maya on that absolute truth consciousness the wave is not as the wave is not separate from the water verily there is no other universe apart from brahman consciousness any question has come so we end here then you if you have any question we will be trying to talk about that [Music] yes please have some questions is god different from brahman of course is god different from brahman what god when you say god is brahman with some characteristic when god creates sustenance maintains we pray oh god help me i am in difficulty redeem me that is god's function and when god does not do any such business he is there as reality that is called brahman that is the brahman that means one is saguna another is nir guna swaguna maybe the concept of ibra abraham abrahamic religion abrahamic religion will say god is what god has no form it's infinite everywhere but it has this kindness quality of kindness redemption blessing it can bless me help me i can pray to him he can remove my suffering that means those qualities he has that is the abrahamic religion and brahman one step up god is everywhere need our kaara at the same time he has beyond all gunas that is the only reality there is no two who will help whom who will give blessing to whom if there is but one so that is the distinction one is called saguna but nirakaru another is called nira no akarano form at the same time neerguna beyond all gunas so that is the overall um meaning of god and brahman another question from the book experience of a truth seeker turian only said to sadhu santina quote in one aspect brahman is eternally near gunaan is kriya and impersonal and in another aspect brahman is eternally saguna sakri and personal a true follower of vedanto does and ought to accept accept ought to accept a true follower of vedanto does and ought to accept both this aspect of brahman and he practices ghana by keeping the former aspect in view and he practices bhakti by keeping the latter aspect in view a big question how to reconcile hari maharaja's view and today's verses number 9 what nine said you know everything should not be reconciled with our reading all the philosophies they speak from different platforms according to the different students so um for some person god is ganesha and i don't want to hear about other things ganesha he will give me success he is everything someone said agonist can give only success i want money so you go to mother lox me okay i like mother looks me only i don't care for anything this will be according to one level of thinking but now you see ganesha ganesha can give success ganesha can give learning because he is the expression of infinite brahman then you go same ganesha according mindset you are thinking goddesses divine [Music] reality behind more brahman aspect of his perspective as we say rama krishna if you think them as as a saint you get the saintly benefit if you think that he's a good guy you can get some good benefit out of it but if you think he's a saint you will get sadly benefit if you think that he is god himself you will godly benefit if you think that he is the sum total of all consciousness he is brahman you will get the brahmana benefit how you look upon so it depends on our mental state so it is one aspect brahman is eternally nirgun yes for a person who day and night think i am that i am that i am that hari maharaja used to say that say day and night i am that i am not the body not the mind oh i am that sachida i am that so that is their approach nir goon nirakara day and 90 things like that he does not want to think of god anyway and in that respect there is no world there is no creation there is no creator all these are true verse number nine i went to i told probably this in this story many times that there is a one time in himalayas i went to see a swami monk and he was like this he was a vedanto swami and he says only his we went and requested him swami please give some some spiritual talk he said there is no sun there is no moon there is no earth there's no himalayas there is nothing no no no no day and night 24 hours is sitting like a robust person sitting he eats very little but day and night 24 hours he is into it so in that plane this world is not there the world we see the way we see this world is not there but there is something is there you may be not understanding it but something is there so near you know that is niskrio you will be the impersonal god and another aspect is eternally shoguno yes he has become everything we discussed in the other class also in the 430 class that everything god has become i am seeing this table it is saccidananda it is brahman it is god but i cannot recognize it i i perceive it as a wood piece of wood but when your consciousness will rise to play a different level then you can feel that it's all made of one cause as i said just now i discussed the which is called the wax museum i talked about wax garden it is made of one thing it may different look maybe there different color of the people there before i looking at the object people are different nature maybe but it is all made of wax so that is the another attitude so we can easily reconcile our suggestion would be take whatever helps you to go godward that's all how can i overcome maya [Music] so that is this that is the entire purpose of this reading of these scriptures and meditation and japa and singing and dancing and going to church and going to mosque going to all the places of pilgrimage and taking deep in the holy rivers only one purpose to get out of this misconception of this maya and as a bhakta devotee you say this maya oh mother mother open thy door you are holding the key you allow you led me to play some of you we can on display my play is done there is a beautiful poem there it says mother o divine mother you made me play and i am a child and you made me play in the world and i am bewildered with it please please open the door of knowledge and wisdom so that i can be at rest at your feet no so pray to god as mother that ramakrishna did you know did worship god as mother why i'm a baby please take care mom will take care be a baby like a innocent child have nothing only i know mom you know all the babies look at that they don't understand anything only mommy how much you can casual them with other things but baby understands mommy so we understood understand god in that way i am your child no mother please open your door give me vision give me experience so that i understand the world and your creation it is you playing in so many ways so we can pray to maya or this is the safest way and if you are bold enough and highly vedantic then you can do this way i am not the body this is under maya i don't care for this huh i don't care for this universe it is changing universe i don't want anything of it so not this not this not this not this reject that is a vedantic approach so take any other way then and lifelong struggle and then by god's case it will happen another question is come that i am trying to live in the world a life of purity and uprightness is so difficult people by large take up any route which serves their purpose setting aside any regards for righteousness looking at others it seems sometimes feel anti-intuitive to not take the easier route and be so fussy about one's own principles is the path of righteousness always ought to be so steep of course yeah always it is easy to go down the stream it is always difficult to swim against the stream unrighteous life unrighteous thought has his own benefit it gives you temporary name fame power position money you can cheat somebody you can you can lie to somebody and get immediate gain that is the benefit of people are doing but when will all your time will come to leave this body when death will approach then you will see how much cheating you did and what joy you got now death is coming what will give you joy what will give you peace what are you carrying with you you cannot carry with the cheated money you cannot carry with the cheated prestige even you have cheated some professor or some student and got your name and fame and got so many degrees in your name cheating people but okay those will only you have to leave here everything and not a trace of one single thing you can carry not even your body so think about that what is the benefit so we'll always have to see that that what is best will have to do that we should not go into the flow because that is easy path easy path in spirituality there is no easy path don't believe that if anyone says come and i'll give you give me one thousand dollar i'll give you touch of spirituality there is danger it is not so easy money cannot buy that spirituality it is sincere spiritual practice it needs tears of the eyes austerity many nights are needed to not to sleep but to think of god and pray it's not so easy those who give such things it comes it may be you get a glimpse but it goes away comes and goes as it comes so it goes yes that's true but but as as as here the question came because many people do naturally we get tempted so there we have to restore temptation and true it is for my own benefit my path is my path other people are going that way okay let them go and if we analyze this is the reason i'm not a fool why i am becoming righteous because i want to die with joy with bliss not with fear not with the idea of going to hell hellish idea but to think i did right thing i never cheated anyone i didn't lie to anyone i'm bold that boldness is a different thing it is close to purity and truth a follow-up question comes ramakrishna said the key to brahma gano is in mother's hand so even if one says day and night i am he i am he can one realize that unless god's grace yes god's grace it is said that the key of knowledge is in the mother's hand okay but people say i am that i am that yes i am that i am that does not mean i am the physical body again we are making a mistake when i say i am not this i am that does not mean i am identifying with the physical body the blood and place and bones this body i am not talking i the real eye behind it so if i hang on to that yes after praying and doing all these things automatically it's called god's grace we say god's grace but because of your practice that grace comes to you not to me if i don't practice you do not come to me rather if you say it is god's grace but it is your own doing also you have practiced that i am not the body not the body this is changing this is has a death this is a birth this has a decay so i am not i am not i am that sachidan day and night to hammer on that will create the mind will be purified and in pure mind god's grace is all the time there where is not i am quoting ramakrishna again ramakrishna says god's grace is all the time there you have to unfold the soil when you unfold the self wind catches no so similarly when the mind becomes pure by this any process by bhakti or by ghana mind when it becomes clear then it will catch the eternally flowing bliss and grace of god and will lead us to the realization thank you all okay so anyone any question no more from here any question no okay so we'll see you tomorrow oh last question how are you how are you in a not to do spirituality when someone is asking you how are you they want to know how is your sneezing going on how is your temperature is there how you are kobit free so respond to that that way but if an intelligent spiritual person ask you how are you then you say yes prayer is going on oh yes meditation is good oh no not today talk to them very intimate people who can understand the language otherwise talk to the people in their level you should not say oh i have one hour meditation this morning i'm good not to say to any any person who is passersby you don't know him you say yes how are you how are you as we do in american culture how are you i'm fine and by the time both are gone 10 feet away but they don't want to hear even really they don't mean just to say hello hi how are you hi and say hi and by the time they're away but faster first time when some people come and like me someone is asking how are you then you start telling they said this is this this is by the time he has no time the other person has gone away what is this they are asking and they are not listening to my response that means it is to the people to the person we should be courteous and behave as the language the person understands unnecessarily don't make your spirituality to understandable internally you know how much you are remembering god brother anyone ask you how are you you say am i connected with god that is my real eye am i you can make that a reminder anyone ask you how are you oh i've forgotten god okay and say i am doing well thank you so this is the social level we can interact but internally we can get the benefit of it thank you so when in in our early days in brahmacari days as two sadhus used to meet each other hey what is what is going on the other will get alert oh are you doing lord's name are you taking lord's name are you remembering that's a reminder whenever anyone brahmachar is seeing the another brahmacharya they speak in this vein they know the internal meaning of it but other person will be standing around they will not understand anything so this is the way yeah whatever it can remind us for god okay so tomorrow at 7 30 we will be again here to read the gospel of sri ramakrishna you are all welcome thank you those who are online and those are here om shanti shanti shanti peace peace peace so i put it